Thursday, March 8, 2012

Pretty Darn Funny

At Time Out For Women, they had a booth from Pretty Darn Funny. They wanted us to share our funny stories...Brandon and I had a recent funny moment. Watch the video below, if you think it's funny please go to and enter Jill Sandall in the search bar on the left. On my video there is a "# likes" and an orange thumbs up sign, click on that to vote for me. I could win a cruise!!! I'm pretty excited to just be famous now. If you would like an autograph, let me know. :)

Monday, February 27, 2012

Loved this on Studio 5 today!!

People who know me, know I don't believe in soul mates or fairy tales. I'm a big believer that what bugs us about other people is what we need to be working on ourselves. Switching my perspective and looking at myself and how I am responsible for my situation, my happiness and my sadness is one of the hardest things I do.
I'm grateful that Brandon gets this point, sometimes better than I do. We even had a conversation the other night, where he pointed out that we always have a choice. And regardless of our choices, can't I see the Lord's hand in it? It's true. Love and commitment is a daily choice we make, the hardest but most full filling choice I make everyday.