When you have a minute, check them out.
I really like Instagram. Mainly because I like seeing what all my friends and family are up to. I posted my first "Transformation Tuesday" photo today. As I was creating the picture I suddenly thought what it would be like if I could post one that reflected the transformation that has occurred in the most important areas. My heart and my mind.
I knew I was overweight. It's kinda hard to notice 5 or 10 pounds but 84 pounds in under two years is obvious. Right??? I was never embarrassed about my weight. Probably because I was dealing with much bigger things in my life. Like living in an abusive relationship, for starters.
The transformation that has taken place inside, by far, out weighs the pounds lost. If we pulled out a scale, the kind where you can compare the weight of two objects at the same time (I don't know the technical name and am not in the mood to Google it!) and put the pounds, inches and fat lost on one side and then put each of the things I've let go of, healed from, changed, forgiven (of myself and others), accounted for, apologized for, accepted and overcome...I think the scales would tip to the side holding all the change that has occurred on the inside.
I did a lot of things to change. But tonight, I want to acknowledge that the true, deep, final, healing is because of my brother. Because of His atonement, I was and am able to take each of those things and not place them on a scale to be measured but on His shoulders, for Him to bear. I learned the atonement is so much more than for transgression. It is for everything. Our good moments. Our agonizing ones. I had to do a lot of work. As I went through the outreach program at the shelter, met with a therapist, my Bishop, stayed close to my family and friends, and started to allow myself to heal I found that He was there, waiting for me to hand it over for Him to bear. He had always been there. I learned, I changed, and as I did, I healed.
I still have trials. They aren't easy. But a peace runs down the center of my storm. Because of Him. That peace is how I know I will be Ok. "Life is not about weathering the storm. But learning how to dance in the rain." I slowly learned how to dance in the rain, on my own. I continued to grow and heal. Now, I'm glad I have a partner in life to dance in the rain with. Despite what ever kind of storm we may face, I know he wakes up each day and chooses to dance with me.
On the left: 2008 @ 264 pounds. Six months after this photo was taken I filed for divorce and started my journey from being a victim of domestic violence, to a survivor and finally, a conqueror.
On the right: 2013 @ 182 pounds.
This last week was not good with my diet. I haven't counted calories but that isn't my confession. From Tuesday night to Wednesday afternoon, I ate a package of Chips a Hoy cookies.
Yes. The whole package.
By myself.
This was something I did weekly during my first marriage. That relationship was very abusive and food is how I coped. Cookies were my favorite way of coping.
I guess that this week, that is how I coped. Nothing has really happened. I have a lot on my plate, B and I have a lot on our plates. Just like everyone else. I've felt overwhelmed lately and that is how I coped. I haven't done that kind of eating in YEARS.
I threw the package away deep in the garbage can. I didn't want B to know. Not because he would care. But because I needed to hide it. I didn't want him or anyone to know. I realized that eating the bag of cookies isn't the real issue. It was that I was hiding it. So, I told Jake. I told B. Now I told you, whoever "you" are. I'm not going to let old ways of coping creep back in. I'm also not going to beat myself up about the cookies. I'm overt it.
No. I did not eat the whole pan! (Insert Jake's angry eyes, here) I did have a piece when I came home today. My other snacks were much better choices and while the piece of cake was not ideal, I didn't let it derail my entire day. It's almost 7:30 p.m. and I still need to eat about 300 calories. My goal is to have only 500 calories to eat by 6 p.m.
Not perfect. But still focused.
A friend of mine has started a blog. Let me just say, I love it! And her. She really is as beautiful as she looks. Top it off with the fact that she's nice and genuine, not to mention smart and driven. The type of girl you want to hate but can't because underneath how pretty she is, is an amazing person and the kind of woman you can't help but look up to. And....she cracks me up!
She has been a big support in my health goals and very helpful. I love that she is always willing to teach me and share what she knows.
I decided it was time to go buy a new swimsuit. I've spent the summer pulling my swimsuit up, down, left and right. I've been on constant guard to make sure I didn't end up flashing anyone. The only problem I have not had is it creeping up on me. No complaints on that last one.
I LOVED my last swimsuit. Loved it. I found it at Target a couple of years ago. The brand is, love your ASSETS by Sara Blakely,Spanx. I loved the suit so much because it was a cute swimsuit that fit. When you are in a XXL or bigger, finding a swimsuit that fits and is cute is like going to Walmart and not only finding rock star parking (a spot upfront by the door) but also walking in to find they've moved milk to the front of the store AND created a checkout stand for "milk purchases" ONLY. Therefore eliminating the need for you to maneuver through the store for about 3/4 of a mile and around about one thousand people to get a gallon (or two) of milk, to then turn around and repeat the trek to the front of the store. By that time you can't feel your fingers and only three of the thirty check stands are open. Did I mention that all three have ridiculously long lines?
It's that hard. Promise. An added perk of the suit is the Spanx. It sucks you in but not too much. Smooths you out a little and stays put. So I went back to Target with the hope that they still carried them. They do! I bought my new swimsuit and to my surprise, the size I needed was Large. I haven't worn that size, in a swimsuit, in about 7 years. My hard work is paying off!
Side note: Due to the suit being Spanx, the effort required to wiggle in, is quite a bit. Worse than tights/pantyhose or tight jeans. This is one "show" my husband does not witness. I don't recommend changing in a bathroom stall. You need more room.